Monday, March 28, 2011


I was thinking about using the term Skopian in my paper to describe the FYROM Macedonians. The term Skopian comes from the capital of FYROM Skopje. There are those around the world, in particular Greeks, who refer to those living in FYROM as Skopians rather than Macedonians for obvious reasons. After thinking this out, I decided not to go with using that term as it is biased against those who live in FYROM. It would have been nice to use though because it creates an easier to understand distinction between Greek Macedonians and FYROM Macedonians. After doing more research on the term, I found it was a term more of slander rather than something to distinct. It was a good think that I didn't. As some examples;

"Skopian: a native of Skopia. 
It is the true and rightful name for the "Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia", it's inhabitants are Slavs with a Bulgarian Dialect, Tito brainwashed them into thinking they were Macedonians." -urban dictionary

Even though it is Urban Dictionary, this is just one example of the slang behind using the term Skopian. Google images tend to show more colorful pictures about Skopians unfortunately. The point to all this is I never knew the level of slang behind this term. I always have seen it as a word marking distinction between the two opposing sides. Nevertheless, its still good to point out the term for others in case of future reference.

Map of FYROM showing Skopje, Greece included south for relative location

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